Ponds Google Offer

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Claim your free goodies choosing between lots of specialized products for Women.

Pond's admires the beauty, health and well being of all being. And when it comes to women, the source of all creativity and love, we are a bit more concerned. In the world, women having affected by diverse climatic and regional conditions, the need for the specialized products for them is really a crucial step needed to be taken by Health and Beauty Industry.

Thus, We initiated a programme for first surveys and demand stats, in which we are providing Free of cost Gift vouchers to random selected women choose from Facebook. If you have got the offer message from our Official Facebook Page, then you are the lucky one. We will be providing you 4 packs of Ponds Creams, masks, eye treatments, facial foams and more. More details will follow in your gmail account after clicking here.

You can choose among the following products :


For Queries:
Contact: ponds@unilever.com
7, New Floor Building

Kelvin Road, Texas